Saturday, March 21, 2020

20 Essay Topics on Affluenza The Best Social Psychology Topic

20 Essay Topics on Affluenza The Best Social Psychology Topic The task of writing successfully on any subject matter, regardless of how difficult or technical it might be, depends on your understanding of the subject matter in question as well as your choice of a topic to work on. This happens to be the case for writing essays on social psychology and influenza. Therefore, before providing some of much needed help in choosing a social psychology essay topic on affluenza, here is a brief description of affluenza and the psychology behind it. The word affluenza has derived from the words influenza and affluence. Psychologists describe affluenza as psychological conditions were an unhealthy attachment to wealth affecting an individual’s decision making abilities and his or her emotional intelligence. There are currently multiple studies conducted on the subject of affluenza and these researches have brought out facts that must be included in your essay. Understanding the importance of facts in buttressing your points, we have provided you with 10 facts for a compare and contrast essay on social psychology and affluenza that can be used in developing social psychology essay topics on affluenza in a previous article you must consider reading. 20 essay topics on the social psychology of affluenza: Understanding Affluenza and Its Psychological Effects on Society Affluenza and its Harmful Effects on the Human Psyche Affluenza in the Developed World: An Unhealthy Fascination with Wealth Are Wealthier Regions More Susceptible to Affluenza? Scrutinizing Affluenza and Its Effects on Humans Affluenza: A Real Psychological Problem or a Farce The Consumerism Theory and Affluenza Diagnosis The Role of the Media in Perpetuating an Unhealthy Consumer Culture Pursuing the American Dream in Relation to Affluenza Is Affluenza a Contagious Psychological Condition? Societies Pressures Contributing to Affluenza Rehabilitation and Affluenza: A Working Theory Social Psychology Challenges: Diagnosing and Curing Affluenza Human Errors and the Role Affluenza Plays The Illusion of Success and Reduced Empathy in Wealthy Citizens Fighting Depression through an Understanding of Affluenza Studying the Correlation between Affluenza, Substance Abuse and Addiction Does Affluenza Truly Reduce the Ability to Empathize Discussing Affluenza’s Ability to Cloud Moral Judgment and Decision Making Scrutinizing the Difficulties Associated with Diagnosing Affluenza These are some of the topics you can consider choosing from when tasked with drafting a social psychology essay topic on affluenza. All of these topics focus on the social effects of affluenza, its diagnosis and treatment and how it is perceived by members of the public. As stated earlier, all of these topics will rely heavily on the use of facts to send you message across and you should consider reading up the ‘facts guides’ provided for this essay. Lastly, we intend to lead by example and this will be done using a sample essay with its topic chosen from one of the 20 listed above. This written essay should serve as a guide on how to introduce your topic, develop its body and write a good conclusion covering social psychology on affluenza. Sample Compare and Contrast Essay Affluenza in the Developed World: An Unhealthy Fascination with Wealth The western world has always been fascinated with the lifestyle of the wealthy and this is why programs and movies about wealth tend to attract more viewership than any others. Sadly, social psychology studies have begun to show that this fascination is unhealthy and may have far reaching effects on society as well as the mental health status of affluent individuals. These studies led to the coining of the phrase ‘affluenza’ which is a psychological issue that affect the empathy levels, mental health and emotional balance of its sufferers. Affluenza was coined from the words influenza and affluence and it affects both the young and adult mind in equal measures. There has been a lot of research done to diagnose affluenza and understand its effects on society and one of the results found was that this condition was prevalent in the developed world. Certain triggers have been identified as the reason for affluenza’s polarity in the developed world and some of these include the belief in the ‘American Dream’ concept, as well as the media’s constant glorification of the lifestyle of the rich and famous. These triggers make people constantly work to achieve more wealth while putting everything else on hold, only to discover that acquired wealth did not provide the feelings they have dreamt off.   This then leads to disenchantment and the feeling of unworthiness which are tell-tale signs of affluenza. In more advanced cases, affluenza then leads to depression and a lack of empathy for the average man thereby destroying the fabrics of peaceful co-existence. The pursuit of happiness has also led to other harmful behavioral patterns such as addiction or substance abuse among wealthy individuals. A study focused on high school students’ buttresses this fact for it found out that high school students with wealthy backgrounds tended to keep to themselves and were out of touch with reality. This social disconnect makes the children either act out or turn to substance abuse for companionship. The study also covered affluenza in adults, and it showed that wealthy individuals consumed 27% more alcohol than the less affluent and according to the study, this percentage had nothing to do with the ability of both parties to purchase alcohol. Therefore, affluenza is a psychological situation that affects both the young and old in exactly the same way. The social disconnect and lack of empathy exhibited by people suffering from affluenza can harm our community in diverse ways as the wealthy become more isolated from reality and the general state of life. The lack of emotion shown on the plight of the poor or pushing their needs under the rug can lead to the poor lashing out as seen from the movement to occupy Wall Street. In conclusion, it is important to note that there are several ways to contain affluenza such as the use of rehabilitative techniques but first, society must recognise these issues before it can successfully be dealt with. Here, we come to the end of the essay on social psychology and affluenza. We hope this provides you with a template on how to draft yours using one of the topics above to provide a direction. You can also learn more on how to strike a good compare and contrast essay on social psychology and affluenza by reading the last article in this series. References: Mark, H. (2010). Religious Groups and Affluenza: Further Exploration of the TV-Materialism Link. Manchiraju, S. (2013). Materialism in Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Ahuvia, A. (2008). If Money doesn’t Make Us Happy, Why Do We Act as if it Does?†, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 491-507. Chang, L. Arkin, M. (2002). Materialism as an Attempt to Cope with Uncertainty, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 389-406. Kasser, T. (2002). The High Price of Materialism, MIT Press, Cambridge. Martin, W. (2008). Paradoxes of Happiness, Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 171-184. O’Neill, J. (1997). The Gilded Ghetto: The Psychology of Affluence, The Affluenza Project, Milwaukee.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Congress Approval Ratings - Historic Job Approval Data

Congress Approval Ratings - Historic Job Approval Data The approval rating for Congress is abysmally low, and most Americans say they have almost zero faith it can solve our most important problems and view its leaders with severe contempt. But they  also keep re-electing the  same people to represent them in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives  year after year. How can that be? How can an institution be more unpopular than Satan, feel pressure from Americans to set term limits for themselves  yet see 90 percent of its incumbents be re-elected?   Are voters confused? Fickle? Or just unpredictable? And why are approval ratings for Congress so low? Congress Approval Ratings Its no secret that Americans loathe Congress the institution. A majority of voters routinely tell pollsters they dont believe most members of the House and Senate deserve to  be re-elected.  Americans have held the nations legislative branch in low regard for years now, the public-opinion firm Gallup wrote in 2013.   In early 2014, the  portion of people who said the nations lawmakers should win re-election sunk to a low of 17 percent in Gallups survey.  The low approval rating  followed congressional inaction over spending limits and an inability to reach compromise on a number of issues or avoid the government shutdown of 2013. Gallups historical average of Americans supporting re-election for members of Congress is  39 percent.   And yet: Members of Congress have no trouble getting re-elected. Incumbents Are Safe Despite Congress historically abysmal approval ratings, well over 90 percent of House and Senate members who seek re-election win their races on average, according to data published from the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington, D.C. Few things in life are more predictable than the chances of an incumbent member of the U.S. House of Representatives winning reelection, writes the Center for Responsive Politics.  With wide name recognition, and usually an insurmountable advantage in campaign cash, House incumbents typically have little trouble holding onto their seats. The same goes for members of the Senate. Why Our Lawmakers Keep Getting Re-Elected There are several reasons lawmakers keep getting re-elected aside from their name recognition and typically well funded campaign coffers. One of the reasons is that its easier to dislike an institution than it is a person, especially when that person is one of your neighbors. Americans can loathe the inability of the House and Senate to reach agreement on things like the national debt. But they find it more difficult to hold their lawmaker solely responsible. The popular sentiment seems to be, as The Washington Posts Chris Cillizza  once put it,  Throw the bums out. But not my bum. Times Are Changing That sentiment - Congress stinks but my representative is OK - seems to be fading, however. Pollsters at Gallup found in early 2014, for example, that a record-low portion of voters, 46 percent, said their own representative deserved re-election. The enduring unpopularity of Congress appears to have seeped into the nations 435 congressional districts, Gallup wrote. While Congress as an institution is no stranger to voter disenchantment, American voters are usually more charitable in their assessments of their own representatives in the national legislature. But even this has fallen to a new trough. Congress Approval Ratings Through History Heres a look at the Gallups organizations numbers by year. The approval ratings shown here are from the public opinion surveys conducted the latest in each year listed. 2016: 18%2015: 13%2014: 16%2013: 12%2012: 18%2011: 11%2010: 13%2009: 25%2008: 20%2007: 22%2006: 21%2005: 29%2004: 41%2003: 43%2002: 50%2001: 72%2000: 56%1999: 37%1998: 42%1997: 39%1996: 34%1995: 30%1994: 23%1993: 24%1992: 18%1991: 40%1990: 26%1989: Not Available1988: 42%1987: 42%1986:  42%1985:  Not Available1984:  Not Available1983: 33%1982: 29%1981: 38%1980: 25%1979: 19%1978: 29%1977: 35%1976: 24%1975: 28%1974: 35%